
Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Hobby of Mine

Hello readers!,

 this week for my reading I got to choose from six options what I wanted to do for my create. I chose to write about a hobby of mine and about why that hobby makes me happy. I hope you enjoy my blog post.   

One of my hobbies is playing sports and it makes me happy most of the time and I fit in with my sporty family well. I have played many different sports but my two favourites are Basketball and football.

I love playing Basketball and Soccer, it really makes me happy. One of the reasons why playing those two sports makes me happy is because I would normally accomplish something. In Soccer I would normally save a goal or get the team a good pass. In Basketball I would normally do good defense or even shoot a goal sometimes.

Another reason why it makes me happy is because it helps me communicate with people better. Before I played any team sports I was really shy and now I'm not really shy anymore. As a girl I normally don’t talk to many people that are the opposite gender as me but Soccer changed that because most of my Soccer team is just boys. In my Soccer team I actually have a better bond with most of the boys compared to the one other girl in my team which is surprising. My basketball team also made my confidence go up a little bit. I actually play in two different teams for basketball, one for the school and the other one Checkers. In my checkers basketball I play in an under 13 team and I'm the youngest so I am used to communicating with people that are a few years older than me which boosts my confidence by a little bit which makes me happy. Normally after a Basketball game or a Soccer game I would get a treat like McDonalds or something which makes me happy.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post, have a great day.

Question: do you relate to my hobby in any way?

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